ResErect Frequently Asked Questions
Questions and Answers about the ResErect product are displayed below

- For additional product information please refer to the ResErect product page.
- Please direct questions and purchase orders to a GHOST 3D Software Representative.
- ResErect software licenses may also be purchased from our online store here.
- Registered ResErect users should direct support questions to Customer Support.
What is the purpose of ResErect?
ResErect is a powerful import and Spline Conversion solution. ResErect can import Hash's Animation Master AV2 files as native sub-division Bezier Patch surfaces complete with mapping coordinates and textures! ResErect is comprised of a set of tools for fast, easy, and accurate conversion of any mesh, patch, or Spline object to Optimized Spline objects ready for Editing, Output, NURBS conversion, manual surfacing, or automatic Surf-iT Patch surfacing. ResErect includes unique conversion and joining features to ensure a reduced number of Splines while maintaining the shape and form of the object.
Learn about ResErect's applications and uses
Learn more about this solution at the ResErect product site.
What software applications and versions are supported?
Currently, ResErect supports the latest versions of 3ds max, Autodesk VIZ and legacy versions of 3D Studio MAX.
Where can I buy ResErect?
ResErect is currently offered online directly from GHOST 3D and authorized GHOST 3D Resellers worldwide. GHOST 3D maintains a direct and personal approach to distribution so that we can offer exceptional 3D tools at the lowest cost possible. We also support and maintain a high degree of camaraderie between the vast and growing community of 3D artists that prefer Spline and patch based modeling as provided by the Surf-iT modeling kit. To order ResErect, contact your local reseller, or you can purchase securely and download now using the GHOST 3D Product Order Form.
Does ResErect come with a manual?
ResErect comes with extensive reference information and tutorials in the form of a searchable and menu driven help file. There is no printed manual as the product is distributed electronically in an easy-to-install setup executable. However, the help file contains full color illustrations and many photographs and diagrams in the tutorials which are step-by-step detailed instructions on how to accomplish simple to more advanced modeling techniques.
Is there a tryout or trial opportunity for ResErect?
Yes. Since there are many ResErect releases and updates to integrate with several versions of host software, we recommend you contact us or simply order and download the latest version. When you are prompted to submit your Software installation setup and registration information, you may either request a Full License, or a "Trial License" for a 14-Day Evaluation Period to try out ResErect. If you decide ResErect is not right for you, you may return it for refund within the 14-day evaluation period. We also invite you to e-mail us any questions you may have about the Software and the products it supports. ResErect offers a unique and diverse solution for a variety of uses, and we aim to ensure your complete satisfaction. Our staff is happy to explain product details and support at anytime before, during, or after your evaluation. We are committed to total customer satisifaction!
Does ResErect import Animation Master objects as Splines or Patches?
ResErect imports Animation Master model objects through the AV2 format as an Editable Patch object with mapping coordinates and materials. The ResErect modifier modules can convert the patch object into optimized Splines instantly - so you can get both the Patches (with mapping) and/or the object as Splines.
How does ResErect handle 5 sided patches in Animation Master objects?
ResErect imports the surface as 3 and 4 sided patches while preserving the continuity of the surface as accurately as possible. This is partially due to the fact that 3ds max (and most other 3D applications) do not recognize 5-sided shapes as a surface primitive in mesh objects, polygon objects, or patch objects. As we understand, 5 sided patches are a unique convenience in Animation Master, however, the AV2 format itself also does not store 5 sided patches - you can verify this by importing the AV2 file into Animation Master (you will not see any 5 sided patches).
How does the ResErect Animation Master import feature support textures?
ResErect imports the materials and textures on a per patch basis so that the patch mapping coordinates are the same as the texture coordinates for the model object in Animation Master.
Attributes like Diffuse Color, Falloff, Ambience (Self Illumination), Specularity Size and Intensity, and Transparency percentage, as well as Decal (bitmaps) are supported by ResErect's AV2 import. Some additional support may be forthcoming in future releases.
Some texture attributes like glow, transparency density, and toon shading are achieved very differently in Animation Master than in 3ds max and 3D Studio VIZ. In 3ds max these settings do not have a direct 1:1 correlation with Animation Master settings, and therfore must be set manually. ResErect supports the basic material translation as a convenience and to save time with setting up mapping and texture maps (decals). Most of these other Animation Master texture attributes can be manually assigned in 3ds max to the materials imported by ResErect. Others may depend upon various external tools or user techniques.

NOTE: Animation Master uses a different world and object coordinate system than 3ds max does - ResErect corrects this.
How does ResErect optimize Splines?
ResErect has the ability to rebuild and optimize the Splines that it converts from the input object through automatic and manual operations that let the user determine what segments and how many segments define a particular sub-object Spline. In this manner you can reduce the number of Splines or the number of segments in Splines. You do this through unique keyboard driven manual building operations, ultra fast Spline joining operations and selective and adjustable automatic rebuilding operations. ResErect additionally lets you determine the configuration of the Splines as well as the interpolation and rendering settings at any point in the modifier stack. Through the default and user defined settings you can "optimize" the data in the Splines so that the object can be rebuilt to use less memory and also can increase interactivity in editing modifiers placed on top of the ResErect modifier modules.
How do you surface or re-surface the optimized Splines that ResErect makes?
Surfacing Splines depends on the geometry of the Splines themselves. You could bve using ResErect to rebuild imported *.IGES, *.SHP, or other imported Spline data. These line data objects may be regular shapes that you can loft using 3ds max's Lofting (Loft Compound object), or using 3ds max's lathing or Surf-iT's mesh and patch modifiers. The following answer discusses surfacing for complex irregular objects.

The 'preferred' way to generate surfaces from ResErect Splines:
In all honesty, the best possible way to make resolution independent surfaces from the ResErect Spline output is to use the Surf-iT Spline modeling kit (also from GHOST 3D) on Spline lattices. Surf-iT is the fastest way to convert Spline models into Patch surfaces (or directly to mesh surfaces). Also, Surf-iT Patch and Mesh surfacing modifiers can be uniquely and positively affected by the way in which you rebuild the organization of the Splines using ResErect.

Other ways to build surfaces from ResErect Spline ouput:
You can also use ResErect to rebuild the Splines quickly and easily with the 'specific' goal of converting the Splines to NURBS curves for surfacing with NURBS surface creation tools. ResErect makes this incredibly easier than ever before through its flexible and speedy arsenal of rebuilding tools. However, if you are an avid Spline modeler, or you want to use Spline editing to manipulate objects you convert from meshes or patches using ResErect, without a doubt the easiest way to generate a surface from ResErect's Spline output is to use Surf-iT - it surfaces the object the way want it instantly without having to U-loft every portion of the surface. Surf-iT also does a much better and faster job with surface normals than the 3ds max Surface modifier. In additon, Surf-iT also has the built in ability to be "forced" to correct ambiguous geometry and face normals if the input object was poorly constructed. Since ResErect can convert and rebuild almost any object into a "surface-able" Spline object, you can even use ResErect to rebuild areas of its Spline output to force Surf-iT to correct face normals at locations of disjointed patches or object elements - which might cause flipped normals on the different elements in 3ds max anyway. Although this is only the case in poorly constructed 3D models, using ResErect and Surf-iT Patch you can correct these conditions when necessary using special techniques (as explained in the Teapot tutorial of the ResErect documentation).
I noticed that ResErect did not want to rebuild or join certain areas of the Spline object it built. Why is that?
While this is easily fixed, such a condition most certainly relates to a problem with the input (source) object itself. ResErect accurately reflects surface continuity and discontinuity, and therefore if there are breaks in the surface or vertices which are not perfectly coincident or properly welded, this will cause discontinuity in the converted Spline object. You can fix this very easily in mesh and patch objects either before or after the ResErect conversion module by snapping or welding points that should be coincidental. If you are working with Splines, the Surf-iT Spline Editor's Snap tool does this for an entire object in one step, which is invaluable if you are using ResErect to rebuild Spline objects because the Surf-iT Snap feature preserves the vertex types and vector tangents perfectly. The ResErectSpline module will also preserve the vertex types when rebuilding Spline objects.

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